Premium cotton shoe polishing cloth, perfect for application of leather cream polish, shoe polish paste/wax, and High Shine Shoe Polish Wax. This white polishing cloth is hand-cut and made from 100% tightly-woven cotton.
There is little-to-no stretch with this cloth, making it ideal for the final buffing process, delicate applications, and "mirror shines".
Follow the steps below to wrap the cloth tightly around your fingers, preparing for the application or buffing process.
1. Unwrap the cloth.

2. Unroll the cloth, and place two fingers of your dominant hand behind the broad-side of the cloth.

3. Wrap the excess cloth tightly around the back-side of your two fingers.

4. Twist the excess cloth into a thin braid, and pull to the front of your hand.

5. Wrap cloth around the front base of your two fingers, pull around the back.

6. Wrap cloth around the front base again, and pull to the back-side.

7. Tuck the excess cloth under the back-side wrap.

8. Ensure the front-side of the cloth is wrinkle-free to prevent streaking of wax while polishing or buffing.