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How To Use Pure Polish Products

Specific Product Techniques

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How to Use Pure Polish

In regard to polishing your leather goods, there are no real practical differences between regular toxic polish and our non-toxic polish. But there are some minor things that should be noted:

Because non-toxic polish contains no turpentine or petroleum as a solvent, the polish in the tin or jar is a little more sensitive to changes in temperature, so it will be harder below 75F and softer above 80F. Once it’s applied to the leather, temperature becomes irrelevant.

An effect of using natural, non-toxic orange oil as the solvent is that it acts as a mild cleaner, and can blend underlayers. Another effect of using orange oil as the solvent is that the surface will evaporate rather quickly when exposed to open air. Keep the lid on at all times when not using, to reduce evaporation and keep the product as close to its original consistency for as long as possible.