All New Plum Purple Color – Available Now! Free Shipping US $75+ / International $150+

Free Shipping to US and International


FREE SHIPPING on Us Domestic Orders $50+ or International $150+

We're proud to announce that we are now offering free shipping on Domestic US orders over $50*, and International orders over $150*.

We've been receiving an increasing number of international orders, and to make it easier on everyone, we're removing the guesswork, and giving everyone the chance for free shipping.

So, if you wanted to fill up your shoe valet with all-natural, non-toxic, biodegradable, high-end premium polish that smells like oranges. Or, if you're looking for a great gift set for the stylishly dressed gentlemen in your life. Now's your chance!

Orders will still be shipped primarily via USPS First-Class or Priority Mail, and International will typically be USPS, UPS, or FedEx.

*Free shipping not available on wholesale orders.

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